Saturday 18 October 2014

Poo glorious poo !!

Isn't it amazing how once you become a parent you get so excited over poo lol!

My little man bless him hasn't had the best of times after I had to change his milk to an Anti-reflux one which altered his poo's. He would struggle to do it somedays and when he did there wasn't much there but it really smelt. When I began weaning not much changed but this was from using baby rice and up until last week the powdered food you make with boiled water. Since I've made my own fresh foods his poo has began to change already and seems to do it with more ease bless him and they are starting to look how they should. I let out a little 'whoop' when I change him and can see it looks 'normal'.

I never thought little things like poo would make me happy but the wonderful joys of being a parent obviously makes you grateful for the little things in life :)

Nichola x

Thursday 16 October 2014

Trials and tribulations of how to wean!!

My little boy is 5 and half months old and we are in the stages of weaning now. I began him on a little bit of baby rice but we are now at the stages of new flavours.

Weaning the second time round for me feels more daunting than when I weaned my daughter. What we did for her isn't necessarily deemed as right now according to health visitors and government guidelines etc. There's so much information to consider wether you want to go all down the baby led weaning route, the puréed route or do 50/50. I've been sat the last few days not sure what to do and reading advice after advice and still not really knowing what is right or wrong. So after much deliberation and worrying I will do the 50/50 approach once I've got little man sitting a bit better on his own and able to put most things to his mouth but for now I'm using purée.

When I had my daughter I was young and didn't really take notice of the things I'd give her. I'd happily crack open a jar and she'd eat it and job was done. But now I'm a little older and wiser I feel more conscious of  what little man eats and this week I've began to make my own purée's. Not only is it fun (not to mention cheaper) I know exactly what is going inside him but I feel a more sense of pride that I am doing everything I can in the early stages to make sure he gets good quality food and the enjoyment on his face when he eats it too is heart warming. I don't totally rule out jars or packets I think for mere convenience sometimes if you're out and about or on long journeys etc they make your life a little easier but I do choose more wisely and actually read the labels.

I think more parents should feel empowered to go with their instincts and do what they feel right for them and their child's individual needs. I understand that there is guidelines in place etc but I think more health officials should be supportive of the decisions/choices made rather than reprimanding them. Every child is different and develop differently so I definitely think go with what you feel is right

Nichola x

Little Introduction

Hi I am Nichola and I am a mother of 2 children. 1 daughter aged nine and 1 son aged 5 and half months. I do get asked a lot about the age gap and it was never intentional it just became that size through personal experiences of miscarrying a number of times and normal life getting in the way. But it works for us and our daughter dotes on the little one and he admires her so much already. I am fairly new to blogging but decided to do one around being a mum and the trials and tribulations parenthood brings from dealing with baby related things (weaning,sleeping playtime) to guiding the older one through last stages of primary and discovering more of herself. I hope you enjoy it and look forward to any replies or any other parents views.

Thank you

Nichola x